
This blog is meant to be a safe place for anyone who has to deal with the aftermath of being with a porn addict. I know in today's society it is not a big deal to many, but to some of us, its cheating & we do NOT want it in our marriage. I am one of those women :) This is my safe place, my haven. This is where I will pour out my heart & soul, & be honest. This is a new ministry God has laid on my heart, to reach out to others in this struggle. If you happen to find this blog & are dealing with it too, feel free to comment. Know you are not alone.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

the future feels so hard

Sometimes I find myself staring at my daughter, & breathing prayer after prayer that she doesn't have to know this pain. .. that she can walk though this life unscathed by this evil. . . .that she won't have to feel the shadows of doubt crash upon her shoulders, always wondering . . .always checking. . .I pray she knows love that she can trust always . .& not have to hold her breath from time to time just to make it through. I pray that she will be loved unconditionally. . .that everything doesn't have to be a fight. . .that she can go to bed at night reassured that her husband is thinking of her & only her. That she doesn't have to worry about what he watches as he sits in front of the glow of a computer screen. 
I pray this for my beautiful daughter. . .that she will always feel beautiful & never wonder what is wrong with her because her husbands turns to plastic women instead of real flesh. I pray this with every breath.
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed.-Leanne Womack

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