
This blog is meant to be a safe place for anyone who has to deal with the aftermath of being with a porn addict. I know in today's society it is not a big deal to many, but to some of us, its cheating & we do NOT want it in our marriage. I am one of those women :) This is my safe place, my haven. This is where I will pour out my heart & soul, & be honest. This is a new ministry God has laid on my heart, to reach out to others in this struggle. If you happen to find this blog & are dealing with it too, feel free to comment. Know you are not alone.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

days like this

It's days like this that I realize how blessed I really am. It's so easy to focus on what is wrong, what I don't have or issues we are dealing with, but today I just felt better.
My son & I spent about a hour playing outside under skies so blue I felt I could sink into them...the sun danced across our skin as we played in the green grass. My son was so excited about little things. Pointing out all the flowers, collecting leaves, counting trucks going by. . .& it opened my eyes. We can find joy in anything if we look hard enough, if we look through the eyes of a child.
Yes life is hard, but I don't need to focus on that all the time. I can find joy in everything. I can dance under the sky, laugh at the sun. . I can find peace deep inside. How ironic it took a 2 year old boy to show me that
"i want to spend the rest of my life ALIVE" switchfoot

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